When someone lives stoically through a mental trauma or tragedy, we say he is brave.
What do we say when a person is bullied and mocked at by someone and he does nothing about it? Do we call this person a coward? Definitely not. This person has just put on display his strong prudent sense and his extraordinary COURAGE!
Don’t believe me?! Fine. Let me explain. We spoke of valour, bravery and courage. What is the difference between the three? Valour is a show of physical strength and superiority, generally on the battlefront. Bravery is the mental strength to withstand torture – mental or otherwise – and to resist succumbing to one’s fears. If valour is physical and bravery is mental, then what is courage? Courage is an optimum blend of the two forms of strength.
Let us revisit the example of being bullied. Suppose X, a nasty fellow, bullies Y for no apparent reason, what would onlookers expect Y to do? Retort back, you might say. And why not?? If X punched Y in his middle, then why shouldn’t Y slap him back? That’s the difference…you say, “why shouldn’t he?” while Y thinks, “why should I?”. If Y is a person of strong will, then he will not strike back because he knows that his tolerance of their torture will tire his rivals sooner or later. It is also important that Y’s tolerance is not misunderstood as cowardice. He remains quiet not because he can’t fight but because he doesn’t want to. The same Y will stand up for his rights and even fight for them if the need arises. He is a person who believes in fighting only where it is absolutely inevitable.
This is Courage. Courage is the strength to fight and the strength to tolerate and the sense to know which should be put to use when. A person who fights simply to prove he is courageous fails dismally and ends up proving exactly the opposite! The person who knows when to fight and how to fight and does it only then and in that way is the one who is truly courageous. Courage is more than being willing to fight. It is being willing to avoid a fight and to actually avoid it!!
Till next time........Tally-ho!!!!!