Saturday, April 08, 2006


Hi Pallavi......thanx for ur amazing comment....and the compliment about being PERFECT...well, that was unexpected from a writer of ur calibre!!!! But thanx loadz anyways!

After all the intros and title justifications.....its time for me to start putting in my own veiws and ideas on this page which is my very own haven! The subject I've chosen for today is Success.......that which is everybody's ambition and penultimate dream! That which most people would go to any lengths to attain and also that which is a measure of a person's standing in society.

Gone are the days when a person's worth was measured just on the basis of the jingle in his, it's success which floors people.....which grabs the attention of the media...which has a person splashed all over the place. A person may be rich but if he's a perfect ZERO in everything, he's not going to be spoken about and he's definitely not going to be remembered!!!!!

My views on the ingredients of a success story are embodied in my poem printed below! Check it out!

With stars in her eyes and head held high
She forges her way through the journey of life
Slow and steady, upward is her flight
Step by step, her goal in sight!
She plans her moves and charts her route
Anticipates trouble, provides for it, too
Readies a Plan B to boot
Should Plan A fail, B should shoot!
She stumbles on her glorious path
But picks herself up and restarts
Never does a failure impede
Her dreams and ambitions to succeed!
Many enemies she may make
Of those envious of her stake
She lets not rivalries to shake
Her stance and makes no mistake!
Many friendships she may forge
With those in a league as her own
She wins people with her charm
Is a true friend, warm and calm!
She views not obstacles as a pain
But from them, volunteers to gain
Accepts challenges, grips the reins
Of her life again and again!
She fears not of doing the right
Takes on the world with all her might
Stars in her eyes and head held high
She strides towards success, goal in sight!
(I'd like to believe that poem was me.....well, well......the fantasies people have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So, that's what I feel about Success......No pains, no gains. There's a saying......"Life is like a bank, you can't take out what you haven't put in!!" That's something I so totally believe in........Success is achievable. You just have to go all out and achieve it!
So, good luck to all of my pals (and in a reasonable measure to myself, too.....really need that now...especially for the exams!!). Never be afraid......all you need to have is immense faith in yourself and your abilities and the prudence of distinguishng the right from the wrong! So, forge ahead and ascend on the stairway to success....not stopping till you reach the very summit!!!!!!!
That's for today.....tally-ho!!

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