Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I, Me, Myself!!!

This is my first ever blog and I’ll begin with an intro of myself!

I'm Sloka and I'm currently studying in Mumbai....I'm a pretty simple girl with an absolutely impossible mind of my own!!! I have my own ideals and policies which are not exactly inflexible but just as flexible as I like them to be.

I am quite indecisive, as in, I take really really long to take decisions, but once I take them, they stand good , firm and strong! I value people’s inputs in helping me decide on various matters but I expect to be given the independence to take the final call myself! I love myself too much to let anyone else rule my life!

As mentioned in my description, my family means the world me…..by family I don’t just mean my parents but even my extended family with whom I’ve always shared several valued moments of my life. I wouldn’t trade my family for anyone in the world (nor would anyone else for that matter!!!!)

I take a long time to make friends and though I'm extremely friendly with everyone, I am really thick friends with very very few! And once I've decided that so-and-so is my friend, I could go any length to keep the friendship strong and going! I keep my friends for life!

I am a trained vocalist and love to sing. But my passion lies in writing.....I can write anywhere, anytime and on almost any topic! I love to write on philosophies (my own!!!) and on things that I staunchly believe in. I also love to read and can read anything from a hardback autobiography to a brochure on bathroom cleaners!

And I'm a total movie buff - it's a tragedy that I haven't been able to indulge my fetish for movies in the last one year due to a tight schedule. I can watch any movie irrespective of how dumb it may be!

I can get really crazy and wacky at times…..but that is only n only in the presence of my really close pals!

All of this is the real me......principled, friendly, crazy and very focused! I don't mean to be the legendary donkey that went around praising its own tail but these are just my good points! As for my bad.....well, I'll leave that for my pals to fill in!!!!

All that about my basic self……….now about where I’m from!

I’ve spent most of my life in Dubai……been there all through my schooling right from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and came to Mumbai last year to pursue my higher studies……Life in Mumbai is a lot different from that in Dubai– it’s more challenging but that just makes it that much more fun! I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!

So, that’s about me and my first blog should possibly give you just a superficial perspective of Sloka…….It’s just gonna get deeper and deeper…..wait n watch!!! As for now….tally-ho!


Anonymous said...

this is mr. anonymous.....
i really loved ur first blog...readin about dxb made me feel tht i wanted to b thr....gr8 goin gal...hope u do well in ur higher studies as well as in ur ca's...tc...bye...hope 2 c u in blore....i think u know who it is...

Sloka said...

Well, Mr. Anonymous.....

Thanx for that comment...glad i was able to transport you to dxb atleast in ur thoughts!!!!!

Yea, I know who this is (after confirmation of course!) I don't think you'd have had to pay to put in ur name Mr. Shriram!!!!! But thanx loads anyways!!!!!!!!!!

Abt Blore...well, sumtime maybe!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey sloku
I know i m online .... but wat d heck.
An apt and a perfect description abt urself. I know u well enuf to say dat.
if i was in india rite now i wud miss dxb like hell if i read ur blog.
like all ur writings this made an interesting read.
Luv u and missing u loadz.
By ur sweet , cute , pretty , younger sis ,